Subject Matter
Houdini's Personal Copy of Le Magicien Moderne - Jules de Grandpré
The Book of Conjuring and Card Tricks - Professor R. Kunard
Lot of Three 1900s-1930s British Magazine "Giveaway" Magic Booklets
Bunkum Entertainments - Robert Ganthony
The Magic Art of Entertaining - Selbit
Hand Shadows - Louis Nikola (C. Arthur Pearson interest))
New and Easy Magic - Norman Hunter
The Secrets of Stage Conjuring - Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin & Professor Hoffmann
Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair - Henry Morley (Fawkes cover)
Secrets of Modern Conjuring - Horace and Albert Walker
The Pearson Puzzle Book - Mr "X" (Ed.)
The Young Conjurer, Parts 1 and 2 - Will Goldston
Magic Made Merry - H. A. Palmer
Paper Tricks - Will Goldston
Modern Magic (Ninth Edition) - Professor Hoffmann
The Boy's Playbook of Science - John Henry Pepper (Ellis Stanyon's interest)
Modern Card Manipulation - C. Lang Neil
More Tricks and Puzzles - Will Goldston
The "Daisy Bank" Book of Magic
More Paper Magic - Will Blyth
Paper Magic - Will Blyth
Impromptu Conjuring - Will Blyth
Hindu Magic - Hereward Carrington
Simplified Conjuring For All - Norman Hunter
My Mysteries - C. Ivor Smith
Tragic Magic - Harry Leat
Tragic Magic - Harry Leat (with Geoffrey Robinson bookplate)
Tricks for Everyone - David Devant
More Magical Mysteries - Edward Bagshawe
Collins's Card Conceits - Stanley Collins
U.S.A. Depot Magic - Harry Leat
Lessons in Conjuring - David Devant
Hand Shadows - Louis Nikola (Signed by De Vega)
Tricks of To-Day - Yelma (Albert E. Lewis)
More Miscellaneous Magic - Percy Naldrett
Tricks and Illusions - Will Goldston
Magical Notes and Notations - Percy Naldrett
Diversified Magic - Harry Leat
Quality Magic - Okito (Theo Bamberg)
Modern Magic (Sixth Edition) - Professor Hoffmann
The Supernatural? - Lionel A. Weatherly and John Nevil Maskelyne
More Exclusive Magical Secrets - Will Goldston