Subject Matter
Card Tricks After Hours - Steve Beam (Signed)
Focus: 60 Select Card Effects - Phil Goldstein (Max Maven)
Crafted with Carey - John Carey (Signed)
Mokele: Hidden in Possibilities - Phill Smith (Signed)
Redivider - Phil Goldstein (Max Maven)
Paul Curry's Worlds Beyond - Paul Curry
The Carey Files: Volume 1 - John Carey (Signed)
Yokai: The Character of Mystery - Phill Smith (Signed)
The Encyclopaedia of Children's Magic - Ian Adair (Signed)
Marked For Life - Kirk Charles
Finding the Center [Centre] - Antonio Zuccaro (Signed)
The Great Wong's Routine for the Chinese Rings - Tudor Brock and Fergus Roy
The Time Traveller - Kieron Johnson (Signed)
The Mysteries of my Life - Richard Kaufman and Rene Lavand
Vis à Vis - Jack Avis and John Derris
The Second 16th Card Book - Tom Craven and Paul Gordon (Signed by Gordon)
Hidden in Plain Sight: A Manual for Marked Cards - Kirk Charles and Boris Wild
Modern Coin Magic - J. B. Bobo
The [Dai] Vernon Chronicles Volume 1-4 (Full Set) - Stephen Minch
Dai Vernon's Ultimate Secrets of Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
Dai Vernon's Inner Card Trilogy - Lewis Ganson
Edwardian Entertainments: A Picture Postcard View - C. W. Hill
150 Years of the Savage Club - Tim Crossley and Patrick Newley
Magic of Christmas - Val Andrews
One Hundred by Warlock - Elizabeth Warlock
Magic and Meaning - Eugene Burger and Robert E. Neale
Psychophysiological Thought Reading (Muscle Reading) - Banachek
New Card Control Systems - Joseph K. Schmidt
Mitox, The Falsely Spoken Word - Phill Smith (Signed)
The Garden of The Strange - Caleb Strange
The Magic Book - Harry Lorayne
Al Koran, Professional Presentations - Hugh Miller (Ed.)
Pocket Book of Magic - Peter Eldin
Ran Pink's T-Rex - Ran Pink
Miracles of My Friends - Burton S. Sperber (Signed)
Beyond Deception - Tobias Beckwith
Meir Yedid's Magical Wishes - Stephen Hobbs
Caan Craft - J. K. Hartman
Encyclopedia of Cigarette Tricks - Keith Clark
Frozen - Nefesch
Closeup Connivery #2 - Dan Garrett
The Annotated Erdnase (Expert at the Card Table) - Darwin Ortiz
The Mendoza Series of Personal Instruction Numbers 1-5 - John Mendoza
The Topit Book - Michael Ammar
Showmanship for Magicians - Dariel Fitzkee
Eric Sharp's Specialised Children's Entertainment - Bayard Grimshaw (Ed.)
Routined Manipulation Finale - Lewis Ganson
After Dinner Technique - Ken de Courcy