Subject Matter
Illusions, Secrets from the World of Magic - Fergus Roy and Val Andrews
Street Magic (History of) - Edward Claflin
Death and the Magician, the Mystery of Houdini - Raymund Fitzsimons
The Life and Many Deaths of Harry Houdini - Ruth Brandon
Houdini on Magic - Edited by Walter Gibson and Morris Young
Magic, Illustrated Dictionary - Geoffrey Lamb
Houdini's Box - Adam Phillips
The Great Illusionists - Edwin A. Dawes
Zauberkästen, Sammlung Wittus Witt (Magic Sets, The Collection of Wittus Witt)
The Secrets of Houdini - J. C. Cannell
Houdini, The Untold Story - Milbourne Christopher
A Short History of Playing Cards - Gurney Benham
Magic, A Picture History - Milbourne Christopher
Houdini and Conan Doyle - Christopher Sandford
Escape! The Story of the Great Houdini - Sid Fleischman
The Rise of the Indian Rope Trick - Peter Lamont
Henry Gordon's World of Magic - Henry Gordon