Subject Matter
Das Wunderbuch der Zauberkunst - Ottakar Fischer
Sh-h-h--! It's a Secret - Theodore Annemann
E. D. Proudlock's Routine With Thimbles - Edward Bagshawe
Safety Pin-Trix - Jerry Andrus
Magic in Miniature - Bobby Bernard
Miracles of Card Magic - Theodore Annemann
Dai Vernon's Further Inner Secrets of Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
Magical Sleights and Tricks - Will Goldston
Close-up Magic for Beginners - Harry Baron
Card Tricks Without Skill - Paul Clive
Card Tricks - Owen Grant
Ventriloquism From A to Z - Douglass Craggs (Signed)
Classic Secrets of Magic - Bruce Elliott
The New Humorous Reciter - Tom King
My Kind of Magic - Alan Shaxon
Oriental Conjuring and Magic - Will Ayling and S. H. Sharpe
Magical Masterpieces - Louis Nikola
Spectator's Choice - Douglas Francis
Simply Wizard - Goodliffe
Magic as a Hobby - Bruce Elliott
Popular Magic for the Amateur Conjurer - Zodiastar
Fingertip Fantasies - Bob Ostin
How to Sell by Magic - Frances Ireland Marshall
50 Modern Card Tricks You Can Do - Glenn Gravatt
Another Close-Up Cavalcade - Jerry Mentzer
Cyclopedia of Magic - Henry Hay (Ed.)
Bev Bergeron in Print, The Magic of Bev Bergeron - Bev Bergeron
The New Magician's Manual - Walter B. Gibson
Coins - Scott York
Magicana of Havana in New York - Jose De La Torre
Ascanio's World of Knives, Vol. 1 - Jose de la Torre
The John Booth Classics - John Booth (Signed)
Burtini's Cups and Balls Routine - Fabian
The Dai Vernon Book of Magic - Lewis Ganson
100 Houdini Tricks You Can Do - Joseph Dunninger
Blackstone's Secrets of Magic - Harry Blackstone
Tricks and More Tricks of the Television Stars - Harry Stanley
Ring Up The Curtain - J. F. Orrin
Fifty Fakes - George Johnson
Routined Manipulation Finale - Lewis Ganson
John Fisher's Magic Book - John Fisher
The Book of Mystery and Magic - David Devine
The Modern Conjurer and Drawing Room Entertainer - C. Lang Neil
Rice's Encyclopedia of Silk Magic, Volume One - Harold R. Rice
Magical Pleasantries - Tom Sellers
Scarne's Magic Tricks - John Scarne
Laughter All The Way - Ron Bishop